Low back pain is a symptom known to many. It can appear in a representative of any sex and age. Pain may indicate damage to the musculoskeletal system, spinal cord, kidneys, pelvic organs, or abdominal cavity. It may be weak or very intense, sharp, painful, piercing or sharp. Treatment directly depends on the type of pain and the causes that caused it.

It is very important to find out the etiology of the pain in time. First, it is important to note the nature of the pain and the timing of its onset. In addition, it is necessary to establish its relationship with physical activity, food intake and going to the bathroom. It is also important for women to track the connection between the menstrual cycle and the onset of pain.
The reasons why low back pain appears may be as follows:
- Neurological problems. Most often, osteochondrosis and associated disorders of innervation to the lumbar region manifest in this way.
- Skeletal muscle pathology. Myositis is the same frequent occurrence as osteochondrosis and also causes pain.
- Kidney disease. The kidneys are located in the retroperitoneal space, that is, closer to the back than to the anterior abdominal wall. That's why kidney disease can be accompanied by back pain.
- Pathology of internal organs located intraperitoneally. Sometimes, but not often, low back pain is associated with conditions such as appendicitis and cholecystitis.
- Pathology of Organs pelvic organs. Especially frequently, this manifestation of inflammation in the small pelvis appears in women.
Each of the diseases that cause lower back pain must be considered in more detail.
Osteochondrosis is a metabolic disorder of the spine in which the structure of the intervertebral discs is disrupted. After age 27, this condition is believed to be a normal age-related change and occurs in almost all people.
Problems arise due to the fact that the intervertebral disc loses its elasticity and ability to resist stress. At the same time, it starts to go beyond the vertebral bodies. In the immediate vicinity of the vertebral bodies are the nerve roots that emerge from the spinal cord. The disc compresses these nerves and discomfort occurs. This complication of osteochondrosis is called radiculitis.
Osteochondrosis can occur anywhere on the back, but most often it affects the lower back. This is because the column load in this part is maximum and disc protrusion is more common.
The nature of the pain that occurs in radiculitis caused by osteochondrosis may be different. There are three types:
- Lumbago.It is also called "lumbago". This is a very severe, sharp pain that occurs in the lower back during physical exertion. This pain is subjectively like a gunshot. Makes you stop exercising. However, lumbago is resolved quickly enough, in a few seconds or minutes.
- Lumbodynia.This pain is less intense but of longer duration. It also occurs during exercise, but not immediately, but gradually. This pain can develop for several hours. She has an irritating character. Lumbodynia continues for several days and significantly reduces exercise tolerance during this period of time.
- Sciatica.Its difference from the previous species is that in addition to the lower back, the leg also hurts. This is usually a unilateral injury, but bilateral pain is also possible. Lumioischialgia has a prolonged traction character. It develops gradually and, so to speak, runs down from the lower back to the thigh. This pain can cause temporary lameness. It also goes away in a few days.
If osteochondrosis occurs, you should see a neurologist.
Almost everyone has felt pain for this reason. This is exactly what people look like "inside" or "inflated back". The terms are not medical, but the general principle of pain is correctly described.
In this case, exposure to cold air or cold objects in the lower back leads to inflammation of the muscles located here. The fact is that the muscular system of the back is very well developed and any pathological process in it can simultaneously damage many anatomical structures.
First, because of the inflammation, the muscles themselves ache. Its fibers increase due to edema and compress the nerve endings that innervate this muscle. Secondly, in the vicinity of the muscles are the nerve roots themselves, which here are already transformed into nerve trunks. Its defeat can cause long-term radiating pain.
Inflammation can move from the muscle to the nerve trunk itself, which will lead to the pain spreading to the upper or lower back or internal organs. It is also best to treat myositis with a specialist.
Kidney disease
Due to the proximity of the kidneys to the back, pain when they are affected radiates precisely to the lower back. At the same time, the painful sensations can lead to the idea of a certain kidney disease.
So, for example, urolithiasis is accompanied by very severe excruciating pain in the lower back. It is also called colic. It most often occurs after or during urination. This pain can be so intense that it puts the person in a state of emotional arousal and forces them to take unmotivated actions. For example, during a seizure, a person may start running around the room or make other sudden movements. They are justified by the fact that under load, the calculation changes position in the urinary tract and the pain decreases.
Also, pain can occur with pyelonephritis. In this case, it is less intense but more prolonged. Pyelonephritis is a purulent inflammation of the calyx-pelvic system of the kidneys. In addition to pain, fever, weakness and malaise appear. With pyelonephritis, a positive symptom of Pasternatsky (beat). Pain can be unilateral or bilateral.
Nephrologists treat kidney pathology. It is best not to delay the visit to avoid complications.
Diseases of other organs
The pathology of Organs internal organs located intraperitoneally is rarely accompanied by back pain. More often, the stomach hurts. However, with inflammation of the atypically located appendicular process, when it is implanted so that it is located behind the cecum, the pain will be in the lower back. It's important to know this because, in that case, there may not be any stomach pain. The person himself, in most cases, does not even know such anatomical feature of his organs.
In cholecystitis, pain usually occurs in the right hypochondrium. However, due to certain structural features of the gallbladder, it can also radiate to the lower back. Also, this symptom can appear with pancreatitis. In this case, pain is associated with food intake. It most often occurs after eating fried or fatty foods.
In women, low back pain can occur as the equivalent of menstrual abdominal pain or inflammation of the reproductive system. For example, this is how appenditis or oophoritis manifests itself. This symptom usually appears during pregnancy. This is due to excessive stress on the spine, possible pyelonephritis, or fetal pressure on nerve endings in the lower back.
how to get rid of this pain
First, you need to determine the cause of the pain. This can only be done with the help of an appropriate specialist and after passing a series of exams. Most of the time, an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan of the bones of the spine and spinal canal is needed. You may also need an ultrasound of all organs in which the above pathology can develop.
Osteochondrosis is treated by giving a special position to the back and spine, limiting physical activity and special exercises. Swimming also works well on the spine with this pathology. Pain can be reduced with NSAIDs given orally or topically.
In myositis, it is also necessary to take NSAIDs and apply them to the lower back where the pain occurs.
Urolithiasis and pyelonephritis should be treated by a doctor. In the first case, it can be the dissolution of calculi by medical method or surgical removal. In the second case, antibiotics and uroseptics are prescribed.
Appendicitis is usually treated with surgery. Surgical treatment can also be used for cholecystitis and pancreatitis, but more often these pathological conditions are treated conservatively. NSAIDs, enzymes and bile acid substitutes are prescribed.
Pelvic organ diseases are treated by a gynecologist. This therapy can also be medical or surgical, depending on the type of pathology.
Thus, we can conclude that low back pain is a symptom that can occur both with injuries to the spine and muscles that surround it, as well as with diseases of various internal organs. You can try to treat the pain yourself by starting with NSAIDs and reducing physical activity. However, it is recommended to consult a physician for the timely detection of the pathology.